It's Tuesday morning and I am back at work. I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Mine was great!!
Thank you to everyone that made it out to "RISE" at Talbott Street on Saturday night. I had a blast. Thank you to everyone that has given me comments and feedback. I am glad to hear that the majority of the crowd has been enjoying the music that I am throwing out there. It's kind of a risk sometimes, not knowing how people are going to respond, but your comments and feedback give me great encouragement. What I feel is that music is meant to be heard and if it is not being played, then who is going to enjoy it? I really enjoy what I play, which is kind of all over the place, but I love it all. Some might say, "Jared, you were all over the place", Well that may be true, but at the same time, what I like to provide, is a little bit of everything. Something to appease the senses, and to provide an experience and a journey in a progression of sound.
(ap·pease (a-pēz') - To satisfy or relieve: appease one's thirst: quench one's thirst for new and uplifting music)
The Definition of "RISE" (rīz):
- To increase in intensity, force, or speed
- To increase in pitch or volume
- To appear above the horizon
- To extend upward; be prominent
- To slant or slope upward
- To come into existence